The CA3130 are op amps that combine the advantage of both CMOS and bipolar transistors. Gate-protected P-Channel MOSFET (PMOS) transistors are used in the input circuit to provide very-high-input impedance, very-low-input current, and exceptional speed performance. The use of PMOS transistors in the input stage results in common-mode input-voltage capability down to 0.5V below the negative-supply terminal, an important attribute in single-supply applications. A CMOS transistor-pair, capable of swinging the output voltage to within 10mV of either supply-voltage terminal (at very high values of load impedance), is employed as the output circuit. The CA3130 Series circuits operate at supply voltages ranging from 5V to 16V, (2.5V to 8V). They can be phase compensated with a single external capacitor, and have terminals for adjustment of offset voltage for applications requiring offset-null capability. Terminal provisions are also made to permit strobing of the output stage. The CA3130A offers superior input characteristics over those of the CA3130.
• MOSFET Input Stage Provides: - Very High ZI = 1.5 T (1.5 x 1012) (Typ) - Very Low II 5pA (Typ) at 15V Operation = 2pA (Typ) at 5V Operation
• Ideal for Single-Supply Applications
• Common-Mode Input-Voltage Range Includes Negative Supply Rail; Input Terminals can be Swung 0.5V Below Negative Supply Rail
• CMOS Output Stage Permits Signal Swing to Either (or both) Supply Rails
• Pb-Free Plus Anneal Available (RoHS Compliant)
Parameter | Specification |
DC Supply Voltage | 16 V |
Differential Input Voltage | 8 V |
DC Input Voltage | (V+ +8V) to (V- -0.5V) |
Input-Terminal Current | 1mA |
Operating Temperature Range | 50°C to 125°C |
Output Short-Circuit Duration | Indefinite |
Related Document:-
CA3130 IC Data Sheet
Brand/Manufacturer | Generic |
Country Of Origin | China |
Packer / Importer Address | Constflick Technologies Limited, Building No 13 and 14, 3rd Floor, 2nd Main, Siddaiah Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560027 India. |
MRP | Rs. 56.64 (Inclusive of all Taxes) |
* Product Images are shown for illustrative purposes only and may differ from actual product.
CA3130 CMOS Op-Amp IC DIP-8 Package
- Product Code: EC-0500
- Availability: 147
- (Excluding 18% GST)