
This is DFRobot Fermion: ICG 20660L Accel+Gyro 6-Axis IMU Module (Breakout).DFrobot offers an advanc..
The GY-271 HMC5883L 3-axis Electronic Compass Module Magnetic Field Sensor is designed for low field..
The GY-273 module is based on the Honeywell HMC5883LIC for low-field magnetic sensing with a digital..
This is GY-91 MPU9250+BMP280 10DOF Acceleration Gyro 9-Axis Sensor Module. The GY-91 module is a sen..
ACCEL is a motion sensor Unit. Integrated with ADXL 345, ACC is able to obtain 3- axis of Accelerati..
M5 Stack 6-Axis IMU Unit (MPU6886) is a 6-axis attitude sensor with a 3-axis gravity accelerometer a..
ADXL335 is a Breakout board based on 3 axis ADXL335 IC from Analog Devices. The Accelerometer Module..
Description:-ADXL345 is a Breakout board for the Analog Device's ADXL345 triple axis accelerometer. ..
MPU6050 module uses the popular MPU6050 Sensor which includes both a 3 axis accelerometer and a 3 ax..
MPU9250 9-Axis Attitude Gyro Accelerator Magnetometer Sensor Module features the MPU-9250, which is ..